How Hotmail Users Secure Own Account From Hacking Attack

Hacking problem cannot be solved easily especially for those who have poor knowledge about technical parts of email service and have limited time too. But recovering hotmail account (especially when it is hacked) is necessary also. That’s why users look for some expert team who will give complete solution of hotmail hacking attack. Hotmail technicians always high end solutions. They arrange separate technical team which is known as hotmailtechnical support team. This team explain which causes are responsible to face this problem .They provide different tips after recovering account too. Without active email account, people become helpless in these days. That’s why recovering email account is very important for them.

  • Hotmail technical support team ask few questions before provide solutions as sometimes, due to other reasons users face login problem and confuse with the hacking attack.
  1. Can hotmail users access their account till now (but find out lots of changes in account) or failed to access completely?
  2. Did they share their password with anyone recently? If the users answer yes then they must change the password as soon as possible.
  3. Are they travelling into different location or time zone? If they answer yes, then this is not hacking problem. This is device settings problem. But if they answer no then users recover hotmailhacked account.
  1. As per expert advice, users must visit the authorised hotmail website.
  2. After that, they will be instructed to click on the box ‘’can’t access my account’’.
  3. Next, users are instructed to click on ‘’I forgot my password’’.
  4. Then, users required to select ‘’reset your password’’ option.
  5. Then, users have to mention that email id.
  6. Then users need to type the ‘’next’’ option and after that they have to type the ‘’Captcha’’.
  7. After that, users have to click ‘’I can’t use any of these options’’.
  8. After that, users will see a ‘’recover your hotmail account’ ’option on the computer screen, where they have provide alternative email id.
  9. Then ‘’account info’’ page appears on the screen and users have to mention some information (related to account) and finally users need to click on the ‘’submit’’ option. Hotmail email hacked problem will be solved completely.
  • What types of advices are provided by hotmail technical support team?
  1. Users must not share their password with anyone. If the users shared their password to unknown people then they may face hacking attack.
  2. Users should check the location, browser, time settings regularly. If they find any sudden change in those settings (which they did not do) then they should contact with hotmail professional team.
  3. Users must start using of strong antivirus. It will prevent virus attack.
Hotmail technical support team contains only hard working people. They work for 24x7 hours. People can negotiate with them regarding service charges. They are committed to meet the service quality and deadline. Users can depend on them completely.


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